A note on Vue 3

Vue Formulate is compatible with Vue 2. The next major version of Vue Formulate for Vue 3 is called FormKit — it is currently in public beta. You can learn more about it at formkit.com(opens new window) .

# Installation

The preferred way to use Vue Formulate is to install via your favorite JavaScript package manager.


npm install @braid/vue-formulate

# Yarn

yarn add @braid/vue-formulate

# Direct download

Alternatively, if your project doesn't have a build process, you can download the repository and manually link to the minified version:

<script src="/vue-formulate/dist/formulate.min.js"></script>


Due to DOM limitations, when mounting Vue Formulate in DOM templates (outside of single-file components) all the component names will need to be lower-cased, hyphen separated and with a closing tag(opens new window) .

<FormulateInput /><formulate-input></formulate-input>


Similar to a direct download, you can load Vue Formulate directly off of a CDN like JSDeliver(opens new window) .

# Add to Vue

Once Vue Formulate has been downloaded you need to install it with Vue.

import Vue from 'vue'
import VueFormulate from '@braid/vue-formulate'



When loading Vue Formulate as a commonJS module (think require()) it may be necessary to use VueFormulate.default when registering with Vue:

const VueFormulate = require('@braid/vue-formulate')

# Configuration options

If you need custom configuration options, you can pass a second argument with an object of configuration options.

Vue.use(VueFormulate, options)

# Nuxt 2.5.1

It's easy to use Vue Formulate on Nuxt too. The easiest way to get started with Vue Formulate on a Nuxt project is to use the included Nuxt module.

// nuxt.config.js
export default {
  buildModules: [

# Nuxt module configuration file

To configure Vue Formulate with additional plugins, locales, validation rules and more you can create a formulate.config.js file in the root of your Nuxt project which will be imported and used by the Vue Formulate Nuxt module. If you wish to place your configuration file somewhere besides the root of your Nuxt project, just tell the Nuxt module where it can locate the configuration file using the configPath argument of the formulate object in your nuxt.config.js file.

// nuxt.config.js
export default {
  formulate: {
    configPath: '~/different/location/of/formulate.config.js'

Your formulate.config.js file should export an object which will be passed to the Vue Formulate registration via Vue.use().

// formulate.config.js
import { de } from '@braid/vue-formulate-i18n'

export default {
  plugins: [de],
  locale: 'de',
  rules: {
    foobar: ({ value }) => ['foo', 'bar'].includes(value)

# Styling/theming

If you’d like to use the default theme (the one used in these docs), you can easily include that css on your page. Vue Formulate is also extremely easy to theme on your own.

# IE11 support

While Internet Explorer 11 is supported polyfills for ES2015 language features are not included in Vue Formulate. For those who do require IE11 support we recommend using polyfill.io(opens new window) or similar service to shim ES2015 features.

<script src="https://polyfill.io/v3/polyfill.min.js?features=es2015"></script>